(Originally posted March 21, 2017) Posted by cindywilliamsadams@gmail.com Adams Gift
During a visit with Adam and Emma McIntosh on February 28, 2017, I asked Adam how Spirits meet in the Spirit World:
Cin: Hi, Adam! Love you! Thank you so much for coming.
Emma: He says, “Hi, Mama! I love you too.”
Cin: What are you feisty about?
Emma: He just said he’s been hanging out with the wrong crowd.
Cin: What does that mean?
Emma: I guess he’s talking about hanging out with Erik.
Cin: Aaah! What constitutes the wrong crowd on the Other Side?
Emma: He said, “Sarcasm.”
Cin: Okay, so listen, that reminds me, during our last session, you were super excited because you’d been hanging out with Bob Marley.
Emma nods.
Cin: Why don’t you share a little bit about that. You know, where you were. How it happened. What did you do? Was Erik with you?
Emma: He said Erik came in later. He’s kind of showing me, “it almost like a bonfire, like people are around a big fire and they are kind of enjoying and talking. Very humanlike when you look at it. They do have gatherings like we do where they kind of sit around and enjoy other. So, yeah, it just looked like there are people there singing. There’s a…. (moving her hands like she is strumming a guitar.) There’s a guitar, I think. It looks like Adam is playing as well. Does he play?
Cin: He didn’t here, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t there.
Emma: Well, he does there. It looks like they’re jammin’ and it’s all real nice. It’s looks dark. They don’t really have night and day. Maybe that’s just what they create. So, it kinda looks dark. Big fire. There are people sitting around with a drink. Just music playing and it’s all about love and hanging out and sharing experiences is what it looks like. (She smiles.) Erik’s a little tipsy. (Acting like she’s dizzy) Erik’s going, “Errrr….” Oh, these guys are in a party mood!
Cin: I want to know what are you drinking, Erik. What’s in those glasses in the spirit world?
Emma: (Laughing) He says, “A lot of love and a lot of juice.”
Cin: There you go. Well, they do call it ‘spirits.’
Emma: There you go. Gerald said, “Koolaid.”
Cin: Don’t drink the koolaid! So, how does that come about? How do you guys end up in a situation like that? Does Bob Marley have dread locks?
Emma: He says, “Yeah, but they’re not long here. They’re short.”
Cin: Like Cauley-Stein’s on the Sacramento Kings?
Emma: I don’t know who that is.
Cin: That’s okay.
Emma: He said, “Yes.”
Cin: Who said, “Yes?”
Emma: Adam. He says, “When you get over here, you know, mom, how we have friendships? We have people that we connect with? Energies that really get along that are kind of on the same frequency.
Cin: That makes sense.
Adam: Over here we have the same thing. There are certain entities or spirits, it’s almost like we’re drawn to each other. Same pulls same. It’s like the law of attraction. Whoever has the same frequency has a similar energy level or similar energy frequency kind of get drawn towards each other and they start talking. It’s like when we get together, we join our energies. We can feel everything that person has been through and all their lives and all their feelings. So, the connections that we make are a lot more intimate than the connections we make on Earth. It’s like having this party with all your friends and all your family, only you’re experiencing all your friends and family’s thoughts and feelings and emotions and all their lives they’ve ever had all at the same time. So, it’s like we learn from each other as well.
Cin: Yeah?
Emma: We do miss Earth and then we just kind set it up in a way. We all have a part in creating the atmosphere that we’re coming together in, so it’s not like just one person saying, “Okay, let’s do a bonfire, let’s do some trees. Let’s make it dark. Let’s look at the stars. Everybody has a take on it and everybody’s like, “Ooh, I want this. Ooh, I want that. Ooh, that would be perfect. You know? I want a cold beer, and the other one says, “No, I want a Coke.” Everybody kind of dresses the scenery according to what they like to do, he said. Then we just kind of hang out and we share and we blend in. It’s almost like, you know, they’re blending IN.
With her hands, Emma demonstrates the entities literally blending their energies together.
Adam: We’re showing you pictures of our physical form; however, when we’re there, it’s not really a physical form that we see. It’s energy. We see each other as our pure form. We don’t see each other’s image, but we do create the atmosphere. We create the location to look like Earth because a lot of us miss hanging out and just doing that Earthly thing of friends coming, having parties, jamming on, and having some good conversations and relations. So, we still do that here. It’s like holding on to that human experience. We don’t want it to slip away. We don’t want it to change. We bring back memories and we create these sceneries that remind us of things when we were alive. It’s just our way of holding on to what we loved doing and what we miss from Earth. It’s very soothing and it’s very joyous and it’s very peaceful and it’s informative as well. You get to meet other entities that are similar like you and you get to make friendships and relationships all different ways and levels. Either way, it’s really great. It’s kind of like Woodstock. Everybody’s all peace, love, and a lot of relationships, but in a good sense. It’s just about sharing that energy with each other.
Cin: Wow!
Emma: We should go. Why weren’t we invited?
Cin: Yeah, for sure. Out of curiosity, when you hook up with these people, because you blend your energy when you get to know each other, you don’t have to say, “Hi, I’m Adam. I’m this; or I’m that.” You just know it, right?
Adam: Yeah, there’s no introductions. It’s not necessary. There is a point when new energies come together, it’s not like, “Hey, I’m this person, or Hi, I’m this.
Emma: (Holding her hands apart, she begins moving them closer together.) He’s showing me two entities and it’s going really slowly and really soft and then it starts swirling through one another. It’s almost a swirly kind of thing. It’s just that first moment. That first connection. It’s so incredible, it’s really hard to explain in human terms, but he says, that one second where the energies meet, it’s kind of like an explosion of the Universe around you. He says it’s really incredible and powerful and the feeling….
Adam: There’s not enough words in our language to express it.
Emma: He’s just showing me a picture of them meeting, really gentle too. It’s not like, BOOM! Hello! How’re doing? It’s really gentle and it just flows together and it starts swirling, but that moment that they touch, he’s showing me this explosion of stars in a black sky. It’s like this incredible feeling. It’s almost like being catapulted in the Universe and seeing all this beauty around you and these colors and these stars and it looks really cool!
Emma raises her hand and says, “If that is what it is, I’m up for it. I’m game.”
Cin: No, kidding!
Emma: Do you ever get that feeling? Do you ever get jealous and say, “Oh, man, I wish I was there right now, so I can just experience it and just say hi? Oh, I get so jealous sometimes. The way they explain it. The way it feels and the way they show it to me, it just looks so peaceful and amazing and loving and…. Aah! I really want to experience it, but we have to wait. I know. I know that.
Adam’s like, “It’s not your time yet. You’ve still got a lot of work to do on this Earth.”
Emma laughs and throws her hands up. “Fine!”
Cin: (I am overcome with emotion.) I don’t know if jealous is the word, it’s more like a homesickness that’s to the cellular level. It’s hard because I don’t know that many people here that I connect with like that. Then to find them and have to leave them. That’s hard too.
Emma: Yeah.
Cin: But, I don’t know. That will come. So, that’s what it was like when you met Bob Marley? Did you have a personal meeting with Bob where you got to do your swirly thing with him and mix your energies?
Adam: Yes, and with a lot of other people.
Emma: He likes to meet people who have depth.
Cin: Of course, because he did.
Emma: People who have these incredible stories.
Cin: Sure, he’s a kindred spirit. So, Adam, would you like to interview Bob one day? I don’t really know what we’re ultimately going to be doing together. In my quest to try to figure out where we are going, stabbing blindly in the dark here. Is that something you would like to do?
Emma: (Laughing.) He’s showing me this picture of you with black sunglasses on and a stick (she pantomimes moving the stick back and forth like a blind person), going, “Where the heck am I going?” The stick’s going B-o-i-n-g! B-o-i-n-g!
Cin: That is kind of how it feels, really with what I’m doing. Would you like to do something like that? Are there some people on the other side that you would like to interview?
Emma: He says this is where he would like to take it.
Adam: I would like to do interviews. That would be cool. These people that have reached history level. These people that moved people and that have touched people in a very personal way. Intimate, emotional way.
Emma: It’s like Adam really connects to the fans or whoever is interested in… we’ll call them “VIPs” he says. The information VIPs can bring forward, can really change people’s lives.
He’s saying, “Talking about how to heal, how to get in touch with your spiritual side, how to grow on that path. How to use it in your daily lives. How to integrate it. We might have to use some examples like you, Mom. How did you cope with the loss of me? How did we do that? I don’t want it to just be me, he says. I don’t want it to be Adam. I want it to be us. Okay?
Cin: Yes! I would love to do that. Anything that will help people on a practical level in their daily lives to help them develop a solid foundation beneath them. You know, something that works for them. Something they can go back to when they’re wavering. I would absolutely love to do those things.
Adam: I want it to be more personal. I want it to be the Cindy & Adam Show, you know. I want it to be us working through this and showing other people that, hey, you can communicate with your deceased son. You can have a good relationship and it can help YOU grow. It can help YOU develop.

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