Adams Gift

(Originally posted April 13, 2017 by

Blog member Marianne, a teacher at the international kindergarten in Heidelberg, Germany, reports a wild and crazy visit from Adam and Erik. She received messages from Adam and Erik all the way to work. Then Erik froze up her phone, which he often does, to make sure she’s listening. Adam and Erik followed her to work in the classroom and pranked her all day long. “They made a whole bin of crayons fly off a shelf onto the floor,” said Marianne, “I thoroughly enjoyed their presence and the fun your son brought to my day. It felt like I had two new boys in my class. Even my teaching partner noticed the unusual shenanigans and I’d not said a word about our visitors. I hope this brings you joy and smiles to your day.”

Thank you, Marianne! Your story brought lots of joy and smiles to my day! It brought back a few memories as well. When Adam was in kindergarten, Mrs. Malde, his kindergarten teacher, gave the students a math sheet with ten addition and ten subtraction problems. In his haste to be the first one finished, Adam added all twenty equations. Mrs. Malde told him to go back to his seat and correct his paper and be sure to pay attention to the signs. Adam was back in a flash, corrected paper in hand. He had crossed all the minus signs.

Adam & Emma and I had an emotional visit this morning with Jimi. Hendrix. I had no idea what a tragic childhood he had. I was totally caught off-guard and couldn’t believe how emotional I became as Jimi described going hungry as a little boy and his dad not allowing him and his brother to attend their mother’s funeral. I’ve never cried on camera before, but Holy Guacamole, Jimi had a difficult life! Jimi brought along longtime friend, Barry White, who according to Jimi, had a similar childhood. He talked about the importance of being yourself regardless of what others think and of not defining yourself by your circumstances. We came here to learn from life’s difficulties, not to become paralyzed by them. We’ll share the video on our YouTube channel, Chillin’ with Adam, and in next Tuesday’s blog post.

Barry and Jimi were heavily influenced by the music of Rock n’ Roll icon, Elvis Presley, OUR NEXT SPECIAL GUEST! Elvis will be joining Adam & Emma and me on April 27th. Be sure to send in your questions!

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